Can You Freeze Heavy Whipped Cream?

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Freezing heavy whipping cream is a popular solution for those looking to extend the shelf life of the product, but the process can be a bit tricky. In this blog post, we’ll explore the answers to some of the most common questions about freezing heavy whipping cream, and provide some tips to help ensure your frozen cream is safe and flavorful.

What is Heavy Whipping Cream?

Heavy whipping cream, or heavy cream, is a thick, rich cream that is made by churning pasteurized cream. It has a high fat content – usually 36% – and is used to add richness and flavor to desserts, sauces, and other dishes. It can also be whipped into a fluffy topping for cakes and pies.

Can You Freeze Heavy Whipping Cream?

The answer is yes, you can freeze heavy whipping cream. It’s important to use the right technique, however, as freezing heavy cream can change its texture and flavor. Here are some tips to ensure that your frozen cream has the best texture and flavor possible:

  • Choose a deep, airtight container. Avoid using shallow containers, as they can cause the cream to evaporate or oxidize.
  • If possible, freeze the cream in its original carton. This will help protect it from oxidation.
  • Be sure to leave a bit of headspace in the container, as the cream will expand when frozen.
  • To prevent the cream from separating, add a tablespoon of cornstarch to the cream before freezing.

How Long Does Heavy Whipping Cream Last in the Freezer?

Heavy whipping cream can be stored in the freezer for up to three months. To ensure that your cream stays safe to eat, be sure to label and date the container before freezing. Also, check the cream periodically to make sure it hasn’t gone bad.

How Do You Thaw Frozen Heavy Whipping Cream?

When you’re ready to use the frozen cream, you can thaw it in the refrigerator overnight. Once it has thawed, you should use it as soon as possible, as it can start to separate and become grainy if it sits out for too long.

What Are Some Uses for Frozen Heavy Whipping Cream?

Frozen heavy whipping cream can be used in a variety of recipes, from desserts to savory dishes. Here are some of the most popular uses for frozen cream:

  • Whipped cream – Frozen cream can be whipped into a light, fluffy topping for cakes, pies, and other desserts.
  • Soups – Frozen cream can be added to soups to create a richer, more flavorful broth.
  • Sauces – Frozen cream can be used to make creamy sauces for pasta, vegetables, and other dishes.

Does Freezing Heavy Whipping Cream Affect Its Texture?

Freezing heavy whipping cream can have a slight effect on its texture. When frozen, the cream may separate and become a bit grainy. To help prevent this, it’s important to use the right technique when freezing the cream, and be sure to thaw it in the refrigerator overnight.

How Can You Tell if Heavy Whipping Cream Has Gone Bad?

Heavy whipping cream can spoil if it isn’t stored properly. Here are some signs that your cream has gone bad:

  • It has an off smell or taste.
  • It has a slimy or grainy texture.
  • It has visible signs of mold.

How Do You Store Heavy Whipping Cream After Thawing?

Once you’ve thawed the cream, it’s important to store it correctly to ensure that it stays safe to eat. Here are some tips on how to store heavy whipping cream:

  • Keep the cream in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
  • Be sure to use the cream within a few days of thawing.
  • If you don’t plan to use the cream right away, you can freeze it again.


Heavy whipping cream can be frozen to extend its shelf life, but it’s important to use the right technique to ensure that the cream stays safe to eat and has the best texture and flavor possible. Be sure to store and thaw the cream properly, and use it within a few days for the best results.

We hope this blog post has answered your questions about freezing heavy whipping cream. Now that you know the basics, you can enjoy your frozen cream with confidence.

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